• Company name: Laboratoire Science et Nature “LSN” - Registration number: 343 015 798 RCS Niort
  • Intra-community number: FR 14343015798
  • Legal entity: Simplified joint-stock company
  • Share capital: €270,000.00
  • Head office: Laboratoire Science et Nature, 49 Route de Saint Clémentin les Aubiers 79250 Nueil-les-Aubiers
  • Publishing director: Olivier Guilbaud
  • Company declared with ANSM: 143/147 Boulevard Anatole France F-93285 Saint-Denis Cedex

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Laboratoire Science et Nature / iStock
Guérande Cosmetics : Terre de Sel - Photographe Guillaume Arnault/Le Guérandais – Photographe Pascal François/Guérande Cosmetics
This entire website is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents, photos and illustrations.

Rights of internet users

CNIL informs you: www.cnil.fr “Faced with the almost infinite possibilities resulting from information technology, the law of 6 January 1978 provided solid safeguards to protect individuals against the dangers associated with file multiplication. The protection scheme’s main goal is to make stakeholders aware of their responsibilities. It holds processors responsible by requiring them to fulfil certain obligations, and empowers individuals by recognising their specific rights.” View the details directly at the following address: http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/ Information Technology and Freedoms Data protection policy: In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending us a letter to the following address: Laboratoire Science et Nature – 49 Route de St Clémentin – BP 15 – 79250 Nueil-Les-Aubiers

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